updated |
description |
file |
2/10/2001 |
Perl Studio for Windows version 2.0. |
pstudio.exe |
04/30/2000 |
Perl Studio psViewer for Microsoft Access 97. |
psviewer.exe |
05/7/2000 |
Perl Studio psBrowser for Microsoft Windows |
psbrowser.exe |
04/30/2000 |
Perl Studio psViewer for Microsoft Access 2000. |
psviewer_2000.exe |
11/2/2000 |
Perl Studio Find/Search/Replace in files for Microsoft Windows |
psFind.exe |
11/2/2000 |
Perl Studio Color Picker for Microsoft Windows |
psColor.exe |
06/18/2000 |
AyerMail 1.0 without MS Access support
Windows Mass email program.
Windows 95/98/NT
Uses a text file with a list of email addresses. |
ayermail.exe |
06/18/2000 |
AyerMail MS 1.0
Windows Mass email program.
Windows 95/98/NT
Excel 97 or Access 97
AyerMail allows you to quickly and easily generate large numbers of e-mail messages using your database of recipients and a "template" e-mail message. Stop sending e-mail notices one at a time when it's so easy with AyerMail!
- Direct support for your Microsoft Access 97-2000 or Text Delimited Database - no conversion or import required
- Provide monthly customized statements to your clients
- E-Mail your customers with a product upgrade or offer
- Send a customized newsletter to subscribers
- Supports message attachments
- Maximum list size of 64,000 recipients
AyerMail Access 97 Version
AyerMail Access 2000 Version
ayermail_2000.exe |
04/1/2000 |
Perl Studio psViewer script files.
Import,export, update database records on the web.
mysql version
script demo
psViewer software program download |
ps_viewer_dbi.zip |
04/1/2000 |
Perl Studio psViewer script files.
Import,export, update database records on the web.
Flat text file version for Unix and Linux
script demo
psViewer software program download |
ps_viewer_flat.zip |
04/1/2000 |
Perl Studio psViewer script files.
Import,export, update database records on the web.
Flat text file version for Windows NT
script demo
psViewer software program download |
ps_viewer_NT.zip |
04/4/2000 |
Perl Studio Database Report Tools
DBI::SQL version demo |
pstudio_sql.zip |
06/28/2000 |
Perl Studio Database Report Tools
Flat Text File version demo |
pstudio_text.zip |
04/25/2000 |
Perl Studio Database Report Tools
for Windows NT
Flat Text File version |
pstudio_NT.zip |
07/3/2000 |
Perl Studio Database Report Tools
Microsoft Access version demo |
access_dbi.zip |
07/3/2000 |
Perl Studio Database Report Tools
Microsoft SQL 7.0 version demo |
sql_microsoft.zip |
04/17/2000 |
Microsoft SQL 7.0 search script
for Windows NT
This script can be used to search/display records for any Microsoft SQL 7.0 database
demo |
sql_search.zip |
04/14/2000 |
Microsoft Access search script
for Windows NT
This script can be used to search/display records for any Microsoft Access database
demo |
ms_search.zip |
04/14/2000 |
MySQL search script
for Unix/Linux
This script can be used to search/display records for any MySQL database
demo |
mySQL_search.zip |
04/14/2000 |
Flat Text File search script
for Unix/Linux/NT
This script can be used to search/display records for any Flate Text file database
demo |
text_search.zip |
01/05/2000 |
Password script for adding usernames and passwords to a .htpasswd file |
passwd.zip |
01/05/2000 |
Password script for adding usernames and passwords to a .htpasswd file and adding user information to a database. |
pmembers.zip |
01/01/2000 |
DBI version of the register script. This script adds the registration information to a static html web page and adds the information to a searchable database. demo |
register_dbi.zip |
01/01/2000 |
Flat text file version of the register script. This script adds the registration information to a static html web page and adds the information to a searchable database.demo |
register_text.zip |
01/06/2000 |
Flat text file version of the postcard script. demo |
postcard_text.zip |
01/11/2000 |
NT bulk emailer script. |
mass_nt.zip |
01/11/2000 |
Unix bulk emailer script. |
mass_unix.zip |
01/30/2000 |
Question & Answer Forum scripts. demo |
qa_forum.zip |
02/01/2000 |
DBI version of the postcard script. demo |
postcard_dbi.zip |
03/17/2000 |
User's Open Forum scripts. The forum is completely template based, so the look and feel for the forum can be changed by modifying the html templates. demo |
ps_forum.zip |
02/5/2000 |
Mysql- DBI version of exporting database records to Microsoft Excel. You can enter a starting and ending date range for exporting the database records to Excel. demo |
export_dbi.zip |
02/5/2000 |
Flat text file version of exporting database records to Microsoft Excel. You can enter a starting and ending date range for exporting the database records to Excel. demo |
export_flat.zip |
03/26/2000 |
credit card validating script module.
demo script |
validate_card.zip |
04/03/2000 |
encrypt_card.pm module with test script.
demo script |
encrypt_card.zip |
04/21/2001 |
encrypt_card.pm module
encrypt_card.pm.txt |
04/21/2001 |
RC4 encrypt_card_rc4.pm module
encrypt_card_rc4.pm.txt |
04/21/2001 |
CBC IDEA encrypt_card_cbc.pm module
encrypt_card_cbc.pm.txt |
06/04/2001 |
cc_encrypt credit card processing scripts.
flat text file version
credit card demo
cc_encrypt credit card admin |
cc_encrypt.zip |
06/04/2001 |
pgp_encrypt credit card processing scripts.
flat text file version
pgp credit card demo
pgp_encrypt credit card admin |
pgp_encrypt.zip |
04/20/2000 |
UPS shipping cost script.
demo |
ups_shipping.zip |
04/20/2000 |
UPS shipping address validation script.
demo |
ups_validate.zip |
04/19/2001 |
shopping cart scripts and templates. Requires MySQL
Perl Studio CartDemo
Perl Studio CartDemo Admin (password and username is admin)
Sites using the shopping cart scripts:
Coffee Creek Mining and Gem Company
The Medical Village
Amazon Distributing
store_mysql.zip |
04/27/2000 |
These routines are intended to be used exclusively with the CyberCash secure payment system, CashRegister 3.2.
This module can be used to process credit card authorizations regardless of how the information is collected and passed to it. For example, the payment information can be collected from an HTML form, a database, or a combination of any of these methods.
When you use the MCK, the connection between you and CyberCash is secured with triple Data Encryption Standards (DES) encryption. Messages encrypted by the MCK can be decrypted only by CyberCash, and vice versa. |
ccPerlStudio.zip |
04/23/2000 |
These routines are intended to be used exclusively with the Signio Payflow Pro PaymentNet (Verisign) secure payment system.
This module can be used to process credit card authorizations regardless of how the information is collected and passed to it. For example, the payment information can be collected from an HTML form, a database, or a combination of any of these methods. |
payflow.zip |
04/23/2000 |
These routines are intended to be used exclusively with the Itransact secure payment system.
This module can be used to process credit card authorizations regardless of how the information is collected and passed to it. For example, the payment information can be collected from an HTML form, a database, or a combination of any of these methods. |
itransact.zip |
04/21/2001 |
BOFA module
This is the cc_bofa.pm module that
can be used to interact with the Bank of America credit card processing system called from any script.
cc_bofa.pm.txt |
04/21/2001 |
BOFA module and test scripts
This is the cc_bofa.pm module that
can be used to interact with the Bank of America credit card processing system called from any script.
cc_bofa.zip |
04/21/2001 |
LinkPoint module
This is the cc_linkpoint.pm module that
can be used to interact with the CardService International LinkPoint credit card processing system called from any script.
cc_linkpoint.pm.txt |
04/21/2001 |
Authorize Net module
This is the cc_authorize.pm module that
can be used to interact with the Authorize Net credit card processing system called from any script.
cc_authorize.pm.txt |
10/17/2000 |
These routines are intended to be used exclusively with the PayPal credit card payment system.
This module can be used to interact with the PayPal credit card processing system.
Order information is collected and passed to PayPal. Shopping cart and store admin.
paypal.zip |
04/21/2001 |
PayPal module
This is the cc_paypal.pm module that
can be used to interact with the PayPal credit card processing system called from any script.
cc_paypal.pm.txt |
10/17/2000 |
These routines are intended to be used exclusively with the VeriPay credit card payment system.
This module can be used to interact with the VeriPay credit card processing system.
Order information is collected and passed to VeriPay. Shopping cart and store admin.
veripay.zip |
07/4/2000 |
Perl Studio psDelimited
Microsoft SQL 6.0-7.0 version demo |
ps_delimited_sql.zip |
07/4/2000 |
Perl Studio psDelimited
Microsoft Access version demo |
ps_delimited_access.zip |
07/4/2000 |
Perl Studio psDelimited
MySQL version demo |
ps_delimited_mysql.zip |
08/21/2000 |
calendar script. Microsoft Windows NT version
Working Example
calendar.zip |
08/21/2000 |
calendar script. Unix version
Working Example
calendar_unix.zip |
06/03/2001 |
HTML Email script. Unix/Windows version
This script will allow you to send an HTML file as the email message.
send_html.zip |
10/09/2000 |
Amazon Associates scripts. MySQL version
amazon.zip |
10/09/2000 |
Amazon Associates scripts. MS SQL 6.0-7.0 version
amazon_sql.zip |
10/09/2000 |
Amazon Associates scripts. MS Access version
amazon_access.zip |
1/08/2001 |
psBanner scripts. MySQL version
- Perl Studio psBanner is a set of Perl scripts that:
Displays image banners from a database.
Easy admin for adding, updating banner information in database.
Logs click thrus for each banner that is clicked on and redirects the user to the banner click thru URL.
Logs the number of times each banner is shown.
Deletes the banner records after they reach their expire date.
Uses cookies to help randomize the banner images shown to users.
Requirements: Unix/Linux/MySQL.
banner_dbi.zip |
1/11/2001 |
psSiteSearch scripts. MySQL version
- Perl Studio psSiteSearch is a set of Perl scripts that:
Creates a searchable keyword index of the html pages on your web site.
Easy admin for adding, updating, deleting the information in your database.
Set the types of files to index.
Set the directories not to search.
Requirements: Unix/Linux/MySQL.
site_search_dbi.zip |
2/11/2001 |
psMembers scripts. MySQL version
- Perl Studio psMembers is a set of Perl scripts that:
Allows users to sign-up for a members database.
Password protect members directory.
Admin scripts to add, update, delete records in members online database.
Admin script routines to update password protected .htpasswd file with current list of members that are approved to use the members password protected directory.
Admin script routines to modify the number of days that a user is allowed to enter the members password protected directory.
User scripts to allow the users to update their user information and password.
Requirements: Unix/Linux/MySQL.
psmembers.zip |
5/20/2001 |
psManager scripts. MySQL version
- Perl Studio psManager is a set of Perl scripts that:
Allows you to manager your mysql tables.
Admin scripts to add, update, delete records in mysql database tables.
Admin scripts to export/import/backup mysql database tables.
Admin scripts to add/delete/modify fields in mysql database tables.
Admin scripts to create/drop mysql database tables.
Requirements: Unix/Linux/MySQL.
mysql_manager.zip |
06/04/2001 |
eCards script. Unix version
This script will allow you to send an eCard HTML file as the email message.
Requirements: Unix/Linux/MySQL.
ecards.zip |
06/04/2001 |
eCards script. Unix/Linux/Windows version
This script will allow you to send an eCard HTML file as the email message.
Requirements: none.
flat text file version
ecard_flat.zip |
06/04/2001 |
pgp Email script. Unix version
This script will allow you to send an pgp encrypted file as the email message.
Requirements: Unix/Linux.
flat text file version
pgp_email.zip |